$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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How Seam AI Started & Scaled on Default

Stan Rymkiewicz
May 10, 2024
2 min
CEO of Seam AI, built revenue operations and data engineering functions at Okta before. He now recommends Default to every GTM team leader.

Seam AI is a simple chat interface that can answer any question across all of your customer systems using natural language. Nick, CEO & co-founder, built revenue operations and data engineering functions at Okta before starting Seam AI. He recommends Default to every go-to-market (GTM) team leader.

Before Default: The Challenges

Before using Default, Seam’s workflow was fragmented. Like many companies, Seam had to juggle multiple tools to manage different aspects of their inbound stack, which led to the following:

  • Lack of Automation: Without Default, Seam had to use several tools, such as Typeform, Zapier, and HubSpot, and attempt to integrate them without a central location for smart automations, such as lead follow-up.
  • Dysfunctional Workflows: All these integrations frequently disrupted workflows, such as CRM record creation and enrichment, slowing down Seam’s go-to-market efforts.

After Default: The Peace of Mind

Seam began using Default to streamline their inbound stack, resulting in:

  • No Headaches: Instead of using multiple tools for scheduling, web forms, routing, CRM syncing, and automation, Default immediately provided Seam with a comprehensive, integrated solution.
  • Peace of Mind: With Default, Nick didn't need to worry about managing and setting up the inbound stack. He chose Default because it could scale with his company, from ten leads a month to thousands.

The Main Benefit: Built for Scale

Most early-stage teams have to wear many hats. With Default, Seam’s team was able to enhance operations and execution speed significantly:

  • Launch in One Day: Default saved Seam hours of setup time and eliminated concerns about managing the inbound stack while providing peace of mind for future growth.
  • Scale From 0 to 1: Starting on Default helped Seam lay the groundwork for the scalability of their go-to-market team, as Nick experienced at Okta.


For Seam AI, Default was a game-changer. It simplified their inbound workflow, saved significant time, and provided a scalable solution for the future.

Default was designed to help modern early-stage companies streamline their operations and focus on what truly matters—growth. See Default in action to unlock growth for your team.

Case Studies
Stan Rymkiewicz
May 10, 2024
2 min
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