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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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How OpenPhone Dialed Up Efficiency By Switching From Chili Piper to Default

Stan Rymkiewicz
December 20, 2023
4 min
How OpenPhone Dialed Up Efficiency By Switching From Chili Piper to Default

OpenPhone is a Series B-stage startup that built an all-in-one phone system for modern companies. OpenPhone has a hybrid go-to-market motion that supports both self-serve, product-led customer activation, and top-down sales. Customers can sign up on their website but can also request to talk to a sales team via their contact sales form. This seemingly simple flow created many problems for their RevOps team.

Mak Reed is OpenPhone’s Revenue Operations Manager who led OpenPhone through multiple lead management solutions. Here are the problems that she faced and how Default helped her solve them.

Problem: Custom Code

Early days at OpenPhone were marked by an overly simplistic inbound flow: a form-to-Salesforce. Leads would fill out a form, land in Salesforce, and then the team would manually sort through them for outreach. This process was simple but inefficient, leading to a lot of time wasted in the sales department.

Chili Piper Chapter: A Hope and a Hiccup

With aspirations to enhance the system, OpenPhone spearheaded the adoption of Chili Piper. This, however, turned out to be a mixed bag.  Although Chili Piper enabled prospects to schedule meetings — the lack of Clearbit integration and the ability to pass custom variables into other systems like Outreach meant OpenPhone had to tackle the burden of writing and maintaining custom code to integrate these systems.

Learn more about Default vs Chili Piper differences.

Solution: Default

Upon discovering Default, OpenPhone was able to rip and replace all of the old processes from the previous vendors and quickly become “one source of truth with no place for errors.” It was the tool that Mak had been searching for: versatile, efficient, and user-friendly. All of the lead routing logic and lead history were visible within the platform. No more asking support to understand why a lead was routed to a rep.

Results: Speed-to-lead cut by 67%

Improved Speed-to-Lead

OpenPhone’s response time to leads improved drastically – from six days down to just two (67%). This was an ultimate goal and a great milestone for OpenPhone to hit while improving their lead qualification and routing process. Now RevOps can independently manage and adjust processes without relying on engineering or external vendor support. Creating or updating a new logic now took less than a few minutes — and understanding routing logic in a visual way means everyone knows the details behind every lead.

Improved Lead Qualification

With Default, OpenPhone experienced a rise in lead quality and a decrease in time spent on unqualified leads — better leads, less time wasted. The sales team can now focus on more qualified buyers thanks to Default disqualifying non-ICP prospects before they schedule a demo.

How Default Made a Difference

  • Seamless Data Integration: Through its integration with Clearbit, Default enabled more precise and data-driven lead qualification. They were able to route, qualify, and assign leads based on form questions, Clearbit enrichment, ownership, and CRM data.
  • Visual Routing Logic: OpenPhone appreciated the ease of understanding and managing lead routing through Default's visual decision trees. The elimination of unnecessary steps significantly reduced the risk of errors and increased operational speed.
  • Easy Customization: Default allowed quick and easy customization, adapting to OpenPhone's evolving needs. No waiting around for customer success or engineers.


Adopting Default significantly improved OpenPhone's lead management and operational efficiency. This case study highlights the importance of choosing the right tools in a fast-changing tech landscape. Default's user-friendly and adaptable platform was crucial in streamlining lead management and boosting organizational performance.

Case Studies
Stan Rymkiewicz
December 20, 2023
4 min
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