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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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How Magna Automated Lead Routing by Switching from HubSpot to Default

Stan Rymkiewicz
March 1, 2024
3 min
How Magna Automated Lead Routing by Switching from HubSpot to Default

Magna is a leading organization in the crypto industry, often referred to as the "Carta for crypto." They specialize in assisting crypto projects with managing their token cap table and setting up automated token vesting schedules. Jackson, the Head of Business Development at Magna, oversees the company's business development efforts.

Problem: Limited HubSpot’s Scheduling

Before integrating Default into their GTM operations, Magna struggled with managing inbound lead qualification, scheduling, and routing. Their initial setup involved HubSpot as the primary CRM tool, which, while functional for basic CRM tasks, fell short in several areas:

  • Limited Customizability and Branding: HubSpot's form functionality was not only limited but could not also be customized according to Magna's branding, creating a disjointed user experience.
  • Inadequate Lead Routing and Segmentation: Magna faced challenges in directing leads to the appropriate representatives based on geographical location, resulting in a compiled list of leads without detailed insights or proper classification.

These inefficiencies hindered Magna's ability to effectively manage and qualify leads, impacting their bottom line and growth rate.

Click here to learn more how Default compares to HubSpot here.

Solution: Default

Magna introduced Default to its tech stack to address these challenges. With Default, Magna gained:

  • Advanced Customizability: Default offered extensive customization options for both the aesthetic elements and their workflow, allowing the Magna team to maintain their brand integrity while streamlining the lead management process.
  • Automated Lead Routing and Segmentation: Default's capabilities enabled Magna to automatically route leads based on specific criteria, ensuring that leads were assigned to the appropriate team members based on geographic location and other criteria.

Results: Improved Inbound Conversions

The implementation of Default brought about significant improvements in Magna's inbound workflow operations:

  • Increased Organizational Efficiency: Magna experienced enhanced internal organization, with the ability to create specific forms for different sources, making it easier to track the origin of leads and ensure they undergo a proper qualification workflow.
  • Reduced Time on Unqualified Leads: Default's qualification mechanisms allowed Magna to filter out unqualified leads early in the process, saving their team valuable time and resources.
  • Improved Lead Conversion Rates: The seamless integration of Default's scheduling feature expedited the process of capturing and booking calls with qualified leads, leading to a noticeable increase in conversion rates from inbound leads to scheduled calls.


Magna's integration of Default into their lead management process demonstrates the power of the right technology. Using Default's customization and automation features, Magna improved their operations and lead conversion rates.

Facing similar challenges in managing leads? Discover how Default can enhance your strategy, as it did for Magna. Book a demo to learn more here.

Case Studies
Stan Rymkiewicz
March 1, 2024
3 min
Checking to see if you qualify...
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Checking to see if you qualify...
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