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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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$6.6m Seed Round led by Craft Ventures
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How Coefficient Doubled Inbound Conversions

Stan Rymkiewicz
March 1, 2024
3 min
How Coefficient Doubled Inbound Conversions

Coefficient is a Series A-stage company with a team size of around 45 people. Ben Davis is the Head of Revenue, and he manages a team of six AEs and oversees the company's inbound, outbound, and product-led sales motions. The company has a lean sales stack and—like many others—puts a huge emphasis on doing more with less.

Challenges Before Default

Before Default, Coefficient's lead management workflow was fraught with inefficiencies. Primarily based on on the fact that existing tools felt outdated, lacked customization, and didn't align with Coefficient's product-led growth ethos. This then led to:

  • Manual Workload: The RevOps team was small leading to a significant amount of manual work. The process of reaching out to leads involved a cumbersome process of constant Slack pings and setting up manual email follow-ups in HubSpot.
  • High Non-Meeting Book Rate: The team struggled with a high lead interest to non-meeting book rates. About 40% of high-intent inbound prospects did not book a meeting which led to lost revenue and pipeline.

Default Solution

Default came as a breath of fresh air for Coefficient's RevOps team with built-in lead enrichment into marketing forms and improved round-robin scheduling thanks to:

  • Native Enrichment and Customizable Forms: The lead management platform offered native enrichment, customizable forms, and better connectivity to other tools like Slack, HubSpot, and Apollo.
  • Improved Round-Robin and Distribution: Default's round-robin and lead routing system were a significant improvement. It allowed different weightings for different queues, which was particularly useful when onboarding new team members.

Results: Optimized Lead Qualification

With Default, Coefficient’s team saw tangible improvements only after a few short weeks, such as:

  • Decreased Non-Booking Rate: There was a drastic reduction in leads who filled out forms but did not book time. The non-booking rate decreased from around 40% to 10-20%, a significant improvement of 2-4x.
  • Better Visibility and Improved Round-Robin: The team experienced better visibility and more actionable alerts in Slack, alongside an improved round-robin scheduling system that catered to their specific needs.
  • Increased Efficiency: By implementing Default, Coefficient managed to streamline lead management, improve operational efficiency, and give time back to their team, allowing them to focus on more essential tasks.


Default's lead management platform has played a significant role in improving Coefficient's operational efficiency and lead management process. By offering customizable forms, better round-robin, and seamless connectivity to other tools, Default has helped Coefficient create a more efficient, modern, and user-friendly lead management system.

Interested in optimizing your inbound workflows? Book a demo with Default today and discover how you can streamline your lead management, just like Coefficient did.

Case Studies
Stan Rymkiewicz
March 1, 2024
3 min
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